I am a mid-30's something gay white male, third-generation native Washingtonian, living in NW DC. I work in local politics and can be found hanging with friends at the DC Eagle, Titan, and various happy hour spots around town including Zengo, and sometimes Cafe Nema. More often than not, though, I can be found dallying in billiards and addictive bar video games. Bud light is my drink of choice. Buy me one, ok?

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Ten Scary Things about DC

Halloween is here again and I am thinking of scary things, related to DC.

  1. W (speaks for itself, doesn't it?).
  2. Cheney (ibid).
  3. Rumsfeld (again).
  4. Loads and loads of luxury condos. The developers have curious ideas of what makes something luxury anymore, don't they?
  5. Lack of representation in Congress. Sure, they might be tossing us a bone soon by letting Mrs. Norton have a vote in the House, but it's just not enough. We must demand the same representation every other American has and is entitled to.
  6. Scratch and Dent at the Eagle at 3am on a Sunday morning.
  7. Colored stockings. Why don't women stick to hues that match their skin tone? The colored ones belong on children.
  8. S&M Bars.
  9. Dennis Hastert.
  10. Nightfall before I get out of work. YIKES!


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