Ten Scary Things about DC
Halloween is here again and I am thinking of scary things, related to DC.
- W (speaks for itself, doesn't it?).
- Cheney (ibid).
- Rumsfeld (again).
- Loads and loads of luxury condos. The developers have curious ideas of what makes something luxury anymore, don't they?
- Lack of representation in Congress. Sure, they might be tossing us a bone soon by letting Mrs. Norton have a vote in the House, but it's just not enough. We must demand the same representation every other American has and is entitled to.
- Scratch and Dent at the Eagle at 3am on a Sunday morning.
- Colored stockings. Why don't women stick to hues that match their skin tone? The colored ones belong on children.
- S&M Bars.
- Dennis Hastert.
- Nightfall before I get out of work. YIKES!
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