September 17, 2006 -- The life of the nation is secure only while the nation is honest, truthful, and virtuous
I'm increasingly wondering why the United States remains as big a player in the United Nations as it has, since it doesn't seem to have more than just a small handfull of allies anymore. Look what backing W has done for Tony Blair. But, he deserves it, really. How anyone so seemingly intelligent could remain steadfastly in support of W defies all logic. I read yesterday that the upcoming election for the General Secretary of the UN features mostly candidates from Asia, with one new entry from Latvia. Seems that while unofficially the post of General Secretary rotates among the continents, with the next to be Asian, the US wants to buck tradition and have a European selected.
I am about sick of the roles my country attempts to play or to force down other countries throats. Who fucking made the United States God? Why aren't there more Cindy Sheehans? Why aren't more and more parents, spouses, friends, children demanding to speak with "their" president, and demanding an immediate end to this charade of a war in Iraq. They ought to be suing W, Rummy and Cheney for war crimes inflicted upon them for the loss or injury of a loved one, or in some cases, loved onces. Trouble is, too many of these people remain blinded, or are so completely brainwashed by the christian right, that they continue to wave the god damn American flag. I have nothing against our troops other than the fact that they have been sent into what they've been sent into under the guise that they are fighting for America. Bull fucking crap.
A friend's sister recently told me on weekends she was going to be traveling to certain political hotspots to help ensure democrats gain, or at least retain existing seats in the House and the Senate. Sounds like a great idea to me. We need a Congress with the courage and the resolve to stand up to W, Rummy and Cheney and tell them that our troops are coming home.
Abraham Lincoln, speaking on slavery in 1865 to Union Troops, said, "Whenever I hear any one arguing for slavery I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally." This statement, as simple, yet as crystal clear as it is, can be applied to so many of our modern battles, including W's, Rummy's and Cheney's war. Frederick Douglass said, "Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have the exact measure of the injustice and wrong which will be imposed on them, " and "The life of the nation is secure only while the nation is honest, truthful, and virtuous." These were both good men who got it. "Honest, truthful and virtuous."
If I were the praying sort, I would be praying my ass off that we soon find more such people who get it, to help us out of this mess.
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