I am a mid-30's something gay white male, third-generation native Washingtonian, living in NW DC. I work in local politics and can be found hanging with friends at the DC Eagle, Titan, and various happy hour spots around town including Zengo, and sometimes Cafe Nema. More often than not, though, I can be found dallying in billiards and addictive bar video games. Bud light is my drink of choice. Buy me one, ok?

Friday, October 27, 2006

September 10, 2006 -- Coming Out

In my blog on July 11, I said, "now I just need to do it." So I finally did.

On August 29, 2006, I came out of the closet to just about everyone I know. The response has been very positive and in some cases surprisingly supportive. The hellfire and brimstone I was anticipating from the bible thumping branch of my family just did not happen.

Here is a link to an Op-Ed piece I submitted to, and which was published in, the Washington Blade (DC's gay newspaper). Upon it's publication, I made sure all in my family who I had not told and some friends I had not told, saw it.

It can be found here:


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