I am a mid-30's something gay white male, third-generation native Washingtonian, living in NW DC. I work in local politics and can be found hanging with friends at the DC Eagle, Titan, and various happy hour spots around town including Zengo, and sometimes Cafe Nema. More often than not, though, I can be found dallying in billiards and addictive bar video games. Bud light is my drink of choice. Buy me one, ok?

Friday, October 27, 2006

August 7, 2006 -- The one song that underscores the defining moment in my life is...

"I Can't Dance," by Genesis.

Why? On April 19, 1992 I turned 21 and finally--finally--got my driver's license. After my mother and I got back to the apartment, she let me take the car (brave soul that she is) out for a spin. I drove down Georgia Avenue in Silver Spring to Viers Mill Road and back to Connecticut Avenue. Just before the Northgate shopping center, I realized I'd gone all that way without music, so I turned the radio on to Q-107 and I forgot what song was just ending, but the song that kicked on next was....what? That's right... "I Can't Dance," and boy did I dance and jam and drive that Geo Prism to that song until it ended. Afterward I went home and turned over the car to my relieved mother.

To this day, that song takes me back to the beginning of my driving experience.


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