I am a mid-30's something gay white male, third-generation native Washingtonian, living in NW DC. I work in local politics and can be found hanging with friends at the DC Eagle, Titan, and various happy hour spots around town including Zengo, and sometimes Cafe Nema. More often than not, though, I can be found dallying in billiards and addictive bar video games. Bud light is my drink of choice. Buy me one, ok?

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Any ole' port in the storm?

W is at it again. And completely flip and unapologetic as usual. This whole episode with contracting out the operation of our ports in New York, New Jersey, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Miami and New Orleans to a state-owned company in the United Arab Emirates--to use a term exceedingly overused--boggles the mind.

Bush said, "If there was any chance that this transaction would jeopardize the security of the United States, it would not go forward." This from a man who has brought untold death to our service men and women in the middle east, let alone those killed as a result of his ill-advised war. This from a Commander-in-Chief who does not supply adequate body armor to our troops, leaving them vulnerable to death or severe, life-changing injuries.

He also said, "I can understand why some in Congress have raised questions about whether or not our country will be less secure as a result of this transaction, but they need to know that our government has looked at this issue and looked at it carefully." How can anyone have even the slightest bit of confidence in this man?

Rightly, members of Congress from both sides of the aisle have promised to pass legislation to put this issue on hold if the White House did not move to delay the action. And, Republican governors of New York and Maryland are virently opposed. With so many in his own party leadership voicing serious concern to this proposal, how can Mr. Bush state emphatically that by his approving of the deal, that it was final? Why then does our government exist on a system of checks and balances? He promises to veto "if they pass a law."

My 86-year old Great-Aunt told me yesterday while I was visiting her that she believes Bush to be the most Dangerous president the country has ever had. Now while this comes from a woman who has always been a tried and true liberal, I do know her to be a fair thinker. On this issue, she is not off base. While we can hope that control of one or both houses of Congress returns to the Democrats, anymore, I don't know if that is the solution either. With the advent of 24-hour news channels, I don't know if anyone is truly in this game for anyone but themselves, and that is scary as hell. Can we really, though, handle 3 more years of W?

What's next?


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